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Tips for Hammock Camping

Related imageThere are a lot of ways to camp in the wild. Among all the types, there are very few ways that are more comfortable than spending a night in the woods on a hammock. You don’t need to forget your comfort for sleeping on a hammock as it is the most comfortable one.

If you are able to set a hammock properly, you can set it faster, pack it lighter and sleep better on it. In this post, I will give you some tips to set up your hammock for camping which is comfortable, safe and warm.


Hammock Camping Tips

Hammock camping is the most comfortable and easy way to camp in the woods and wild. Some professional tips can make your hammock camping experience much better. In the following post, you will find some important tips about this:


Setting Up Your Hammock




Some of you may think that setting up a hammock is a little difficult, but it is not. It is really a very easy process and even it is a lot easier than setting a tent. The more you will set a hammock, the faster you will become. I will give you a step by step instruction for setting a hammock.

Find The Right Trees

When you are looking for trees to set your hammock, it is better to choose sturdy trees that you won’t harm by dangling between. When you found trees that will not bend while setting the hammock, you have done with the job.

When you are not finding some proper trees around you, there is another way to hang the hammock. You can tie your hammock on boulders or any man-made objects. You can also find some hammocks that come with portable hammock stands to help you in these kinds of situations.

Place Tree Straps On Tree

You should place the tree strap around your eye height.If you see the ground is not even next to the trees, place each strap at the same level. On an uneven ground that will be at different heights. It is very simple and easy to wrap the strap around the tree and pass one end through the loop of the tree strap. You can secure the strap to the hammock with rope or carabiner.


Setting Up Hammock Tarp

Setting up a hammock tarp is not essential but it can come very useful during rain time or when under extreme sunlight.

You can find various shape and size of rain flies for a hammock. Though they are different in shape and size, they have a similar function and setup. All of them are supposed to be suspended over the hammock via a ridgeline. Each edge of the tarp is pulled over the ride-line tightly so that the fly is tight to prevent building up any water. There is a great way to avoid getting water flowing down the ridgeline and dripping over you and that is a drip line or water break. Wrapping objects around the line is another option that will break the flow of water down your line and to the hammock.


Connecting Your Hammock to Your Straps

Image result for Connecting Your Hammock to Your Straps

Be careful about one thing that your hammock should not be too tight or too saggy between the trees. A hammock which is too tight will pull the side walls very tight to your body. So, hang the hammock a little loose which will allow you to set up in your hammock comfortably. You will be able to get in and out of the hammock very easily.


Getting Comfortable

When you have set your hammock properly, it is very easy to get comfortable in it. When you hang it a little loose, you will be able to lay there in a 30-degree angle which is important for lying flat. You may also have a sleeping pad and sleeping bag with you for camping. A sleeping pad inside your hammock is a great way to maintain warmth and it will add a bit of padding on your hammock.

If you have some problems in your back, you can lower the foot end of the hammock by bringing the tree straps of that end slightly down.


Blocking The Bugs

You might be worried about bugs and mosquitos while camping on a hammock. There are some bug nets which are specially designed for hammocks. You can also buy one of those hammocks that come with a bug net attached with it. These hammocks are great and can protect you from all kind of bugs. As the net is attached to it, you cannot remove it when you really don’t need it. But you can flip the hammock when you don’t need the net. But if you find it annoying, you can buy a modular bug net. You can keep the bugs away from you by simply slipping the hammock into the bug net and strapping the net to your ridgeline.


Staying Warm

Image result for Staying Warm

It is not a matter of fun to sleep while shivering. To keep yourself worm on a hammock, you can use a sleeping pad or sleeping bag.Sleeping pads are able to store some heat which will keep you warm. Pads can create a soft feeling under your back on the hammock.

When you are willing to try out hammock camping, you can start out with a sleeping pad and bag combo to see how it feels in hammock camping. Though it will cost you some extra money but can keep you really warm during cold weather.



Hammock camping is a source of great fun and adventure. You can enjoy the full excitement of a wildlife camping. Some expert tips like I have described above can make it a great experience for you. Follow the tips and enjoy the complete joy and fun of hammock